Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Review of Medimix Soaps

Company: Cholayil Pvt. Ltd.
Country: India
Product: Medimix Ayurvedic Soaps

The term "Ayurveda" literally means "the science of life". Ayurveda teach people to understand their unique body constitutions and show them how to use diet, massage, herbs, and lifestyle adjustments to harmonize body, mind, and spirit. This natural approach to health care is safe.
Medimix ayurvedic soap is one of the best soaps I have ever come across. 15 years back, I developed itching and approached 3-4 allopathic doctors and applied creams and took medicines. Atlast, one local allopathic physician suggested me to change the soaps I had been using and start using medimix. After two weeks, I started getting relief and even today, I use this soap. I even use it for my child. It works wonders on various skin irritations and dryness and even some skin diseases.
The soap bar with natural fresh fragrance and superior lather is effective for dry skin. The soap contains a unique combination of purest and finest grade vegetable Glycerine and the time tested ayurvedic formulation of coconut oil. These effectively moisturize dry skin making it soft and supple and helps reduce itches and cracks caused by dryness. It is also effective for people with dry skin and for dryness caused by winter and adverse seasons. This product has for years proven effective in preventing prickly heat. This also contains antifungal, antibacterial agents. This product acts as a coolant to skin, prevents excess sebum secretion, prevents itching, removes bad body odour. It has natural aromatic substances like Piper aurantiacum. Has also been found to be emollient, reduces scarifying and brightens complexion and relieves skin irritation.
It is a traditionally hand made ayurvedic soap. Medimix soaps give relief from pimples, body odour and skin infections. Even doctors in India recommend this product for people with sensitive skin.
Medimix handmade chemical free soaps are made from only natural vegetable oils and are bio-degradable. Natural fragrances and natural colours are used and is enriched with natural glycerin and pH balanced. The soap retains the natural glycerin produced during the saponification process. It is a hand made soap with a time tested and unique formulation that combines the goodness of 18 herbs, Medimix is clinically proven to act effectively on many kinds of skin problems.

The company claims a complete hair-to-toe-care solution. These soaps are available
in 125gm, 75gm, 45gm, & 8gm. It is easily available at all retail outlets and medical stores. It has variations made using Sandal and Eladi oils and was found effective for skin blemishes. This product works effectively on blemishes, dark spots and other pigmentation marks leaving you with clear, blemish-free skin.

Applying the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda, these natural ayurvedic soaps are made from the highest quality natural ingredients and comply with stringent modern western cosmetic standards. They are 100% true to the principles of ancient Ayurvedic science
Medimix puts nature to work at caring for your skin. And it's time you discovered why.

1 comment:

  1. I used Medimix Glycerine soap as I hv slightly dry skin. But it is very very drying!!!
    I tried it at 3 different times when my skin was completely normal & moisturised & yet this soap dried it every time. Even the sandalwood soap is drying which I had tried in summers.
    So I m not happy with this soap & d brand. Its more drying than Pears.
